
Showing posts from October, 2016

Celebrating Friendship!

There are some days which you will look forward to in your life. Days which will bring you an immeasurable amount joy. That day has arrived for two very special people. I won't name drop others on my personal blog but I am sure if they were to read this post they would know it was them (since this is their wedding day) and I have been handed the honour of being the best man. So this got me thinking about the importance of friendship in people's lives. I've known the groom for just short of twenty-five years and hand on heart I can say my life has been far richer with his friendship. The sad reality of life is that when you get older we all start to move off in different directions. My friend no longer lives close by, he hasn't for several years, but I am delighted that we can still get together, reminiscence over old times and have some new adventures. Today he will start on a whole new adventure in life and I am delighted to be part of the group that will set him a...

A Tribute to my Dad

A Tribute to my Dad
Loved and Missed.