Enter Creativity

While I could never claim to be an artist, I do find an enormous amount of satisfaction completing a bit of art work, looking at it, then being happy it looks like the person I was drawing. 

With a lack of models, I seem to be the main subject matter. I've been creating digital art now for about a year. There is a lot of cheating in the process. To start with I build the image up in layers, edit as I go along and delete-very easily-what I don't like. Can't really do that on a canvas.

Regardless, I find the process very therapeutic and helps dissolve much of the stress I feel. In this work you can see me and so I will call it "Into the face of Jafwords".

What is in you, that you can create? A book, a painting, a comic? We all have something special that we can make which can touch the hearts of people in a very special way. So I would like to set you a challenge, create something in the next few months and watch it make others smile. 

Happy creativity my friends,


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A Tribute to my Dad

A Tribute to my Dad
Loved and Missed.

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