An Amazing Star Wars Story!!!!

Spoiler warnings – so don’t read on if you haven’t seen Rogue One…

So, can I talk about Star Wars yet? Or that thing called “A Star Wars Story?” not sure what best describes it. You see, if I call it Star Wars it might put some people (as mad as they might be) not to go and see it. How about just “Rogue One” …. Listen to me people…if you haven’t see Rogue One, then you are out of your mind…What we have here is a gem of a film that should be up for Oscars in my opinion. Gareth Edwards deserves an Oscar for this but it is a cracking film. The film has dropped of the classic stylisation that we associate with Star Wars films and it is just presented to you as a film in its own right with just the name keeping it associated with what we had come to expect from Star Wars – eg…no opening crawl….and this makes it perfect as it is an altogether different film and it NEEDED to be this way. 

Now I don’t want to get stuck into George Lucas, a lot of people hated the prequels…. I liked them because I am a Star Wars hardcore fan but if I am honest they were just far too artificial. Those films were a classic example of what George Lucas really   is…a mastermind of building a film empire and an incredible advert for Digital film making.  Like any good Emperor, he prepared a new ruler to succeed him to the throne. Disney acquired Lucasfilm but we have Kathleen Kennedy now presiding as President of Lucasfilm. Here is my personal message to Ms Kennedy. 

“Dear Kathleen, please don’t ever leave us; as you are making something that was already great transcend into God Like Status.” 

There is no doubt Kathleen Kennedy is a genius of the film industry and has ensured that the Disney purchase of Lucasfilm will be a success not only for the company and but more importantly (Sorry Disney don’t mean to diminish you here) but for the FANS! 

I was completely sceptical when I heard it was Disney buying Lucasfilm, but in retrospect I am not sure why – after all they are doing an incredible job of Marvel, why would it not be the same for Lucasfilm.  
Okay so I have gone off on a major tangent. Let’s get back to Rogue One. It’s an “Epic” war film which has been well scripted and executed to incredible effect. So many people are talking about the re-shoots – they really need to forget about it. Re-shoots happen, films get tested and changed, it happens all the time. In fact, it probably doesn’t happen anywhere near as often as it should, considering some of the guff we must endure on the big screen. 

The film serves as a perfect prequel to Episode IV and is a sound addition to run along-side the saga we all know and love. The third act of the film is near perfect and has one scene that just makes your jaw drop. 

The cast was outstanding, the sets where flawless, amazing to step back on Yavin IV just before A New Hope. The recreation of scenes of the first film that changed our view of cinema and scifi was done to near perfection!
I would like to go into more and more detail about how good this film actually is, but why should I? Hopefully, you will have seen it by now! 

So its rating time. *****, there you have it. It’s a must see film. You must see this one.

The Jafwords rating system.
***** (Awesome)
**** (Almost awesome but with some flaws)
*** (To be honest it could have been better)
** (Struggling to say good things)
* (Dear director give me my money back)

Happy Watching my friends.



A Tribute to my Dad

A Tribute to my Dad
Loved and Missed.

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